Goal Finishing

“By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be.Put your future in good hands—your own.” —Mark Victor Hansen


Right now, I actually have quite a long list of little things to do today.  However, I did seperate that list into 3 main things that needed to be done by days end.   Writing this post was one of those 3, so for that I am glad.

The One Thing, written by Gary Keller, really illustrates this point well.  Whatever that main THING in your life you want to have or be—make sure everything accomplished is to only accomplish that ONE THING.  That becomes the goal.

What I’d like to share today is that I have been journaling consistently for a week.  I bet your thinking, “Wow, he gotta screw loose.” One week, no big deal. No! Let’s not treat small victories like that. I hadn’t written a blog post in a year and a half. Consistency, goal setting, and journaling have  been missing keys in my personal journey toward fulfillment.

Here is what’s actually on my “To do” or “goal” list:

a) begin builder stronger personal brand on Snapchat.  (Thanks Gary Vee for all that inspiration from your most recent book!)

b) write blog post

c)  11 CapFin training (I was so far behind on this!)

d) find 20 vm numbers. (really tedious part of business building)

e) build cash buyer list

Felt really good to write that out and sorta share that with everyone reading.  Thank you.  The crossed off items included finishing applications for 3 jobs (just in case), an instagram posted at 11am PST, researching modeling agencies in Seattle, and signing up for real estate investor meetups in the Seattle area as well.

I don’t set goals just to let them sit or be crossed off.  No, I set goals to remind myself what I’m chasing or attracting into my reality.  That’s why this post is goal finishing. I want to completely finish all the goals I’ve set for myself.  Big tip that I’ve carried away from multiple multi-millionaire videos recently—-set mini goals daily, and review them as often as POSSIBLE. I feel better after jsut a few days of reviewing my goals at least twice a day, at lunch and dinner times.

Alrighty, I should run now; my goal list isn’t accomplishing itself!

Please, if you liked this, share it with your friends, and say hello on social media!

Snapchat: leonard_lukus

Instagram: @offficaldakoda

Twitter: @i_am_dakoda



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