BOOKS: 2018

This is a list of books I have read currently in 2018 (or 2k18 as I like to write)

I will continually update this list with new books I’ve finished, and big ideas from each book.   (secret trick- Kindle many times has books much cheaper than hard or soft cover!)



F.U. Money- Dan Lok: Just from the first page, this book lays out many of the secrets and ideas of multi-talented multi-millionaire Dan Lok.  It has been a great read, although I will warn you. He cares about working harder and smarter to succeed, so if you are in any way thin skinned, avoid it.

Nomad Capitalist- Andrew Henderson: Really happy I got this book for less than a cup of Starbucks toilet water last month.  Still digging in.  The main point? Learn to get your businesses placed where they’re treated best.  How to set up tax structures, how to push your income overseas, and how to be  a well, Nomad Capitalist.  It’s honestly refreshing.

Elevator To The Top- Ryan Stewman:  I’ll admit, plenty of sales pitches in a book about, you guessed it; SALES.  Nothing most people haven’t read or seen before, just voiced differently.  Halfway through this one.  Grant Cardone’s Millionaire Booklet would probably be more valuable, so we shall see.

I Will Teach You To Be Rich- Ramit Sethi: I haven’t dove into this one quite yet, got it on sale though! Either way, from reviews, it (supposedly) teaches millenials how to properly budget and earn.  I was skeptical so will keep ya’ll updated on this one!

The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F**K- Mark Manson: This was actually written by a blogger.  And as usual, not finished with it but some very interesting points thus far.  You gotta care about what’s good for yourself long term.  He talks about accepting bad things, and letting stuff run it’s course in your life.  After all, attachment is known to cause a lot of mental harm.  I have quite a way to go in this, so check back often!

Higher Status- Jason Capital: Well, this was a really good read to be frank. Yes, Jason Capital is known for lots of email newsletter pitching , and for his dating coaching programs (think he has over 2 dozen.)  But Higher Status really struck a chord for me.  He lays out from his decade long search into how successful people think, talk, and act.  Even how they walk.  Hand gestures.  Psychological tricks to gain dominance in conversations.  It’s all in there.  I would recommend, to really take full advantage of it, to grab one of his courses to really be able to use it effectively. Nonetheless, its a great look into how high status individuals view themselves, carry themselves, and talk, think and act.  Recommended.

Crushing It!- Gary Vaynerchuk: Gary is well known in the social media marketing circles.  He basically popularized it, and launched himself to social media fame in a just one short decade, amassing both several million fans, but also millions through his agencies, et al.  His newest book really hammers home lessons from people who have learned from him in their own businesses.  He also updates the readers on much of the updated social media platforms, uses, and lays out a much clearer picture of what is working for him, and what demographics each platform reach most effectively.  It’s long, but worth a read *or listen, its on Audible*.

Milk The Pigeon- Alexander Heyne: Andrew has quickly grown a large following using Youtube and blogging.  He describes the 8 years he spent searching for his passion and purpose, and not wanting to put in the grind for 40 years, only to have a boring, cheap retirement.  Very refreshing, its been striking a strong chord for me, considering I have felt recently that I lost my passion.  Recommended thus far.